Monday, October 10, 2011

Happy Columbus Day – Marshmallow Brownies

I woke up this morning and said “Today I am going to bake brownies” and that is exactly what I did. I don’t have a Columbus Day marshmallow to post because I thought these brownies were worthy of posting in lieu of a ship. When I have a three day weekend I like to spend a little time with friends and family, a little time cleaning, a little relaxing and a little (or a lot) of baking, cooking and marshmallow making. I cooked the brownies with the marshmallows and as it was cooking the brownie rose and engulfed part of the mini-marshmallows and continued toasting them until the brownies came out of the oven. I had no idea that they would toast up like this. Here is a before and after.

Before they went into the oven…

When I took them out of the oven 45 minutes later.

1 comment:

  1. Please post this brownie & marshmallow looks so delicious !
